Is drinking coffee good for your health?
Will your heart and body benefit from a good cup of coffee? Studies provide some insight how it might affect you.

I don’t eat anything, why can’t I lose weight?
Weight loss is an enormous challenge. Not only is it difficult to lose weight, but it is even harder to maintain the weight loss.

The Mediterranean, DASH and Plant Based Diets Compared
We compare 3 diets believed to be of benefit to patients at risk for heart disease.

New diabetes drugs for heart patients
There are two newer classes of type 2 diabetes medications that have received approval to treat heart disease. These drugs not only lower blood sugar, but have the additional effect of improving heart outcomes in certain patients.

Coronary calcium test
Over time, as the plaque builds up in the heart arteries, it becomes hardened and calcified. These calcified plaques can be visualized with a special type of CT scan.

How to read a nutrition label
Food labels are confusing. Here are some basic guidelines to help you understand what they mean.

How much water should I drink a day
Water is an essential nutrient for life, but how much of it we should drink is an unanswered question.

Why exercise?
The benefits of exercise are numerous and substantial. Exercise is associated with better mental function, lower emotional stress, lower weight, reduced bone thinning, lower risk of diabetes and heart disease, lower risk of certain cancers, and steadier balance.

What is a stiff heart (a simplified explanation)?
Between heart beats, the heart muscle expands as it refills with blood. When it is time for the next heart beat, the muscle contracts, pumping the blood out to the body.

What is a good cholesterol for me?
The question is not a straightforward one. First, your doctor will be interested in how your total cholesterol breaks down into the various subfractions, and particularly the LDL (“bad cholesterol”) count.

How much should I weigh?
America is in the midst of a weight crisis, leading to higher rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, gallstones, sleep disorders and arthritis.

Potassium content of foods
Your doctor may wish you to increase or decrease the potassium content of your foods. The following list from the American Kidney Fund Is an excellent resource.

Coenzyme Q
A vitamin-like substance that plays a role in cell’s energy metabolism and oxidation.

How to check your blood pressure at home
Home measurements enable real-world assessment of blood pressure in your normal environment. There are two ways of measuring home blood pressure.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for general informational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always rely on your physician or other qualified health care provider for recommendations.