Coenzyme Q

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), also known as ubiquinone, is a vitamin-like substance that plays a role in cell’s energy metabolism and oxidation. Statins can lower CoQ10levels, and supplements can raise them. There are studies that suggest that taking CoQ10 supplements can improve the muscle aches some patients describe with statins.

However the studies are small and the results mixed, so the question is unsettled.  Doses in studies have ranged from 50mg to 1200 mg daily, with 100mg to 200mg daily being common. In the absence of stronger data, experts do not routinely recommend CoQ10 for patients on statins.

In addition, it is not clear, but CoQ10 may interact with the blood thinner, warfarin.  It may also affect blood pressure and blood sugar.  There is no data regarding this supplement's safety in young children or pregnant or breast-feeding women.


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